American Energy Alliance

AEA FACT CHECK: Cap-and-Tax Proponents Claims At Odds With Overwhelming Majority of America

New Rasmussen poll show clear opposition to the federal government rationing energy, Middle-America continues to say no

Key poll excerpts:

Cap and Tax: Myth vs. Fact

Myth: Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

“Just remember these four words for what [Waxman-Markey] means: jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs. Let’s vote for jobs.” (6/26/09)

Fact: Hickory Daily Record; Cap and tax will further damage economy

The bill flies in the face of reality and basic economics and should it become law, can only bring more lost jobs, inflation and further economic decline. … ACESA will levy a cap and tax on our use on fossil fuels, raising the cost of gas and electricity significantly, taking more money out of our pockets/the economy, and heating up inflation. … Cap and trade’s increased taxes will put U.S. manufacturing goods at an even greater trade disadvantage. How long will it take U.S. manufacturers to figure out that they need to move their plants to India and China if they want to stay in business?” (7/26/09)

Myth: Former Delaware Governor, Congressman Mike Castle (R-DE)

“I supported the legislation because it is my belief that we cannot turn away from the opportunity to create new jobs…. Green jobs…are key to the success of a new energy economy. (Release)

Fact: Former Delaware Governor, Pete DuPont; Waxman-Markey Deserves to Die

The Waxman-Markey bill would be without question the biggest expansion of federal government control over our economy since the 1930s. … The real purpose of Waxman-Markey is to vastly expand the scope, power and authority of the federal government. Washington would permanently regulate and dictate the performance of the U.S. economy, reward constituencies it favors and punish those it doesn’t, and make more and more Americans dependent upon federal largesse.(7/26/09)

Myth: President Barack Obama

This bill will create new businesses, new industries, and millions of new jobs, all without imposing untenable new burdens on the American people or America’s businesses.” (6/29/09 )

“Most importantly, it will make possible the creation of millions of new jobs. Now, make no mistake — this is a jobs bill. (6/25/09)

Fact: Jackson Clarion Ledger; Waxman-Markey cap and trade bill can ‘sink a big chunk’ of the U.S. economy

Devilish, indeed, this bill could well sink a big chunk of America’s economy into economic purgatory for some time to come. … Government funding, political agendas and computer models make for a dangerous concoction; just ask Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.” (7/26/09)

Myth: Congressman Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ)

“This legislation rightly focuses on growing that manufacturing base, creating green jobs and finally establishing our energy independence. The positive effects will be felt nationally and here in South Jersey.”

Fact: Zanesville Times Recorder; Cap-and-Trade bill is expensive ‘clunker’

Everyone who pays a light bill, keeps warm or fills up their gas tank will be impacted. For a business, a county government or school district trying to balance an extremely tight budget, these costs increases cannot come at a worse time. You won’t find the word “tax” anywhere in the bill, but Cap and Trade is the “tax that dare not speak its name.” … This bill succumbs to the Siren’s song of creating new “green energy” jobs while threatening many more traditional jobs. Without an international framework with countries like China and India, this bill will accomplish nothing but the further sending of U.S. jobs offshore.(7/27/09)

Myth: House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD)

This is a moment to create jobs. … This bill, the American Clean Energy and Security Act, is a true turning-point. It is a complex bill, but we can sum up its outcomes simply: new American jobs, less dependence on foreign energy. … But if we take action now, we can get jobs, growth, clean energy and energy independence for less than the price of a postage stamp a day, for each of us, according to the EPA.” (6/26/09)

Fact: Visalia Times-Delta; Cap-and-trade: Scheme, not solution

Any business that uses energy would have to pay this tax. … This ultimately translates into a higher cost of living for everyone. Not only will the cost of your utilities triple, but the prices of everything that requires energy in order to be produced would go up as well. … Please tell our senators to scrap the cap-and-trade bill before it is too late.” (7/27/09)

Myth: Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ)

It is important to note that HR 2454 does not establish a “carbon tax” … When releasing harmful air pollutants is no longer cost-free to polluting industries, alternative energy sources and the development of energy-saving technologies are likely to become more attractive to investors. Investments will go to providing alternative energy at lower costs.” (Release)

Fact: Cincinnati Inquirer; Cap and trade is bad for Ohio

“Washington wants to hand Ohio a huge new tax bill. The “cap-and-trade” scheme at the core of the energy tax bill recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives would have an enormous negative impact on the state. … The cap-and-trade scheme is a huge new tax in disguise – a tax on energy that will drive up the price of nearly everything in the country. Take President Obama’s own word for it. He told the San Francisco Chronicle last year: “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” … Let’s hope that as the bill moves to the Senate, Voinovich and Brown will stand up to politically correct special interests and vote against this tax-hiking, jobs-killing scheme.” (7/26/09)


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