American Energy Alliance

Ohio AEA Launches New Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad

Listen to the ad here.

ANNOUNCER: After Washington wasted billions bailing out Wall Street and the auto industry, our economy is still hurting.

Unemployment is over 10 percent.

But our leaders in Congress just don’t get it.

These politicians in Washington are pushing a new energy tax that would be the largest in history, costing the average Ohio family $118 a month.

Some estimates have this tax killing over 2.4 million American jobs—nearly 110,000 in Ohio alone.

The Ohio unemployment rate is already at a 25-year high.

Can we really afford to be hit with higher taxes and more job losses during this recession?

Congress seems to think so.

Call Senator Brown at 888-896-6446 and Senator Voinovich at 800-205-6446. Tell them Ohio can’t afford the higher energy bills and job losses caused by a new national energy tax.

Read the fact sheet here.

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