American Energy Alliance

In the Pipeline: 11/7/12

We wonder if President Obama has any sense of how difficult (or impossible) it is to simultaneously destroy affordable energy and grow an economy.  Fox Business (11/7/12) reports: “Energy companies likely will see more regulation in President Barack Obama’s second term, with less access to federal lands and water even as the administration promotes energy independence.”


It’s really just sad to see these guys fighting for policies that actually do more harm to the environment.  Kind of takes the fun out of the fight. The Hill (11/7/12) reports: “Environmentalists are planning a demonstration on Nov. 18 to put fresh pressure on President Obama, the projected winner of a second term, to reject the proposed Keystone XL oil sands pipeline.”


Crying over YouTube videos to distract people from the truth? Sounds like something else that happened recently. Washington Times (11/6/12) reports: “This isn’t the first time Mr. Mann has turned to the judiciary to silence critics. In 2010, Minnesotans for Global Warming produced a viral YouTube video entitled “Hide the Decline.” Over 600,000 people viewed the animated likeness of Mr. Mann singing lines such as, “Michael Mann thinks he’s so smart, totally inventing the hockey stick chart.” The popular video was pulled after the group received a cease-and-desist letter. “My first reaction was, ‘Wow, I guess I hit a nerve,’” Elmer Beauregard, the video’s creator, told The Washington Times.”


Does anyone else see the irony here? Detroit News (11/6/12) reports: “Michigan voters pulled the plug on a proposed constitutional amendment that would have required Michigan’s utilities to provide 25 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025.”

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