American Energy Alliance

AEA Applauds Passage of Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution

American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on the passage of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s anti-carbon tax resolution:

“We applaud Majority Whip Scalise, the House Leadership, and all those who voted in favor of this resolution for taking a stand against a national energy tax that would drive up energy costs for American families.

“We send our elected officials to Washington with the expectation that they will support policies that strengthen our economy and allow every American an equal opportunity to succeed. A national energy tax fails on both counts.

“A national energy tax will not only raise the cost of electricity and gasoline, but also the cost for goods and services across the board. These higher costs would have a disproportionate impact on the poor and middle class—hurting most those who can least afford it. On top of this, a carbon tax would have virtually no impact on global temperatures.

“The concept of a carbon tax swap—for a carbon tax to replace either carbon regulations or offset income taxes—is pure fantasy. The idea that the environmental left would bargain for some sort of swap and willingly dismantle every regulation focused on reducing CO2 emissions is not rooted in reality. They would never cede that control or take the task seriously.

“Fortunately, there is overwhelming support in the House for Mr. Scalise’s resolution. We’re encouraged by today’s vote and we urge lawmakers to continue to fight back against any and all carbon tax proposals.”

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