American Energy Alliance

Trump Budget Supports a Strong Energy Future

WASHINGTON – Today, the Trump administration delivered its proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget to Congress. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement in regards to the budget’s implications for American energy:

“The Trump administration’s proposed 2020 budget would modernize government spending in a manner consistent with the energy revolution taking place before our very eyes. The government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers in the economy. Trump’s DOE budget would rightsize the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and divert funds away from wasteful and duplicative government programs like the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program. The Trump administration rightfully proposed to cut the Energy Department’s bloated budget by 11 percent and the Environmental Protection Agency’s inflated budget by 31 percent, refocusing taxpayer funds to high-priority, essential activities. 

Private sector innovation has led to a transformation in the way we produce and export our energy while protecting our environment at the same time. The Federal Government’s biggest contribution to this is not standing in the way. The private sector is much better equipped and incentivized to innovate in a way consistent with consumers’ best interest. We support the Trump administration’s proposed budget and ask Congress to swiftly put it into action.”

For media inquiries, please contact Erin Amsberry
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