American Energy Alliance

Despite “Environmentalist” Hysteria, America’s Oil & Gas Industries Are Among The Cleanest In The World

AEA’s sister organization, The Institute for Energy Research, has released a new report comparing the environmental quality of the major oil-producing countries.

For many years there has been a political movement centered in North America and Europe seeking to halt oil and gas production in the countries of those regions. Proponents claim this effort is justified in the name of protecting the environment and saving the earth from climate change, but this political movement has done little to eliminate the need for those products in developed countries.

Nearly every facet of modern developed economies requires petroleum products and natural gas to function and provide the comfortable lifestyles that citizens of developed countries have come to expect. These resources are necessary for agriculture, heavy industry, transportation by all modes – road, rail, air, or ship – and a great number of the products that we now take for granted. They’re ingrained in almost everything. Thus, efforts to reduce or eliminate oil and gas production in developed countries will simply shift production to other countries in order to meet ongoing global demand.

The great irony is that this political movement which purports to be about protecting the environment results in oil and natural gas production moving from countries with the highest environmental standards to countries with lower, or even functionally zero, environmental standards.

As the report notes:

“The contradictions of this approach are most apparent in the case of the United States, the largest producer of both oil and natural gas in the world. Reductions or limitations on domestic U.S. oil production must be made up for with production elsewhere in the remaining major oil producing countries, which have far lower environmental standards than the U.S. This paper quantifies that environmental gap by creating an environmental quality score, weighted by production, for oil and gas production in countries around the world using the well-known Environmental Performance Index (EPI) produced by Yale University. The results show that purely as a matter of environmental protection, replacing U.S. domestic production with foreign supply would be an overwhelmingly negative tradeoff.”

Key Facts and Figures:

These findings prove there is no basis for the claims made by the so-called “environmental” left that America needs to shut down domestic oil and natural gas producers. Contact your lawmakers today using the form below and share this important information with their office.

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