Biden’s Bird Blenders Actually Increase Local Temperatures

Studies have found that wind turbines impact local meteorological conditions by raising temperatures at the surface level while the wind turbines are in operation. Due to lucrative federal subsidies, wind farms are being built at a rapid pace contributing to a growing concern of the cumulative impacts these wind projects will produce. Advocates of wind argue that […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/23/13

She’s ready. Are you? The Daily Caller (7/22/13) reports: “In an address to staff, the newly confirmed Environmental Protection Agency chief stated that regulators had the ‘responsibility’ to take on global warming, per the president’s call to action. ‘We have a clear responsibility to act now on climate change,’ said EPA administrator Gina McCarthy. ‘That’s what President […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/11/13

It is sad that the Administration has been reduced to hiding behind Senator Boxer’s skirts. Sad and repulsive. Environment and Public Works Committee (7/9/13) reports: “U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW), today was joined by fellow EPW Republicans in sending a letter to Chairman Barbara Boxer (R-Calif.) asking […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/1/13

We offer this without comment. The Telegraph (6/27/13) reports: “There has not been a sighting of the species in Britain since 1991 when a single bird was seen four times – in Kent, Staffordshire, Derbyshire and finally Shetland. Now 22 years later another White-throated Needletail turned up in the UK, but after more than 80 twitchers flocked […]

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