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BURIED: Scarcely Reported Poll finds that 78% of Americans Oppose Legislation...

  • 05/19/09
  • AEA
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BURIED: Scarcely Reported Poll finds that 78% of Americans Oppose Legislation that will Increase Electric Bills Washington, DC – Nearly six out of 10 Americans would oppose Chairman Henry Waxman’s cap-and-tax scheme if it resulted in their electricity bills going up a single penny, a recent poll found. And nearly eight out of 10 respondents would consider a $50 per month increase in utility bills a “hardship,” even if that figure only represents a fraction of the cost burden that ...
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When Will Congress Come Clean on Cap and Tax?

  • 05/13/09
  • AEA
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Only 24 percent of Americans understand cap and tax; Waxman needs to slow down and explain it to the American people

Washington, DC – Recent polling conducted by Rasmussen Reportsand released today found that an overwhelming majority of Americans notonly don’t support cap-and-trade – they don’t even know what it is,even when given three options from which to choose.

Interestingly,the polling data comes out at a time when Energy and Commerce ChairmanHenry Waxman (D-Calif.) is moving...

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Who Wins, Who Loses? Everything Up for Grabs as Waxman Scours for Votes

  • 05/08/09
  • AEA
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New debate centers on who should get thecarve-outs, who should get stuck with the tab

Washington,DC – After marathon hearings inthe House Energy and Commerce Committee last week debating the largest, mostregressive tax plan ever brought before Congress, Chairman Henry Waxman(D-Calif.), appears to have left many questions unanswered. Chief among them:how he plans to carve up the bill, and to whom he plans to extend the patronageof upfront emission “allowances.”

“Afterweeks of...
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The Waxman-Markey Game Plan for Higher Energy Prices

  • 04/29/09
  • AEA
  • Can't Make This Up

When Representatives Henry Waxman and Ed Markey unveiled their 648-page discussion draft climate and energy bill, they claimed that “The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009” will not only save the planet, but will provide the economy with a “green recovery” to boot. The bill, which was the subject of four days of hearings with more than 65 witnesses , features sweeping changes in energy policy including forcing families and businesses to buy more expensive electricity, implementing...

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AEA Educational Campaign to Fight Massive Energy Tax, Further Government Induced Job Losses

  • 04/29/09
  • AEA
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Laura Henderson (202) 621-2951
AEA Educational Campaign to Fight Massive Energy Tax, Further Government Induced Job Losses WASHINGTON – With Congress moving at breakneck pace to pass an energy tax bill that would amount to the largest single tax increase on working families in U.S. history, American Energy Alliance (AEA) today announced the launch of an integrated education and advocacy campaign aimed at helping Americans...
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The $3,100 Question: How Much Will Cap and Trade Cost Households?

  • 04/29/09
  • AEA
  • Can't Make This Up
A few media outlets and blogs sympathetic to federal controls on carbon-based energy took quite some sport last week castigating some federal policymakers for promoting “outright lies” about a MIT study which shows that cap and trade legislation similar to the Waxman-Markey bill would cost roughly $3,100 per U.S. household.  The author of the MIT study strongly disputed this interpretation initially, but upon further scrutiny and persistent requests for clarification, he confirmed that...

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Louisiana AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad

  • 04/27/09
  • AEA
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Listen The text of the ad follows Seems like all of us are working harder in this economy just to make ends meet. But the politicians in Washington, DC don't seem to get it - voting to bailout Wall Street - rather than helping Main Street. And just when you think that it can't get worse - some in Congress are now pushing an energy tax that would be the largest tax hike in history. Studies show that the bill, known as the Waxman-Markey Energy Tax, could cost our family's more than $3,100 per...
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Georgia AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad

  • 04/27/09
  • AEA
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The Waxman Markey Energy Tax is a tax on all carbon-based energy – coal, oil, and natural gas. That means that 81.8 percent of the energy that fuels the State of Georgia will be taxed. Nearly all of the remaining 18.2 percent of Georgia’s energy comes from carbon-free nuclear, hydro, and biomass. Unfortunately, nuclear, hydro, and as much as half of Georgia’s biomass energy don’t count as “clean, renewable” energy under the “clean, renewable” electricity mandate included...
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Indiana AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad

  • 04/27/09
  • AEA
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The Waxman Markey Energy Tax is a tax on all carbon-based energy – coal, oil, and natural gas. That means that 98.6 percent of the energy that fuels the State of Indiana will be taxed. Nearly all of the remaining 1.4 percent of Indiana’s energy comes from carbon-free hydropower and biomass. Unfortunately, hydro power, and as much as half of Indiana’s biomass energy don’t count as “clean, renewable” energy under the “clean, renewable” electricity mandate included in the...
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Ohio AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad

  • 04/27/09
  • AEA
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The Waxman Markey Energy Tax is a tax on all carbon-based energy – coal, oil, and natural gas. That means that 94 percent of the energy that fuels the State of Ohio will be taxed. Nearly all of the remaining 6 percent of Ohio’s energy comes from carbon-free nuclear, hydroelectric power, and biomass. Unfortunately, nuclear, hydro power, and as much as half of Ohio’s biomass energy don’t count as “clean, renewable” energy under the “clean, renewable” electricity mandate...
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