In the Pipeline: 3/20/13

That’s odd – I thought there was a sham solar company in the US too. There must be different trademark laws overseas. Gizmodo(3/19/13) reports: “The Shams Power Company opened their Shams 1 concentrated solar power station this week in Abu Dhabi. The station generates 100 MW and can power 20,000 homes while reducing CO2 emissions by […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/27/13

If you want to throw down fisticuffs, fine. Pyle’s got Jack Johnson and Tom O’Leary waiting for ya, right here. National Journal (2/26/13) reports: “As passionate as these protests may be, the reality is that the oil in Alberta will go somewhere, and no amount of plastic zip ties — made from refined petroleum products, I might […]

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