Biden And Harris Block Development In Alaska

On July 5, Biden’s Interior Department blocked 28 million acres of federal land (D-1 lands) in the state of Alaska from any mining or oil and gas development, which removes an area the size of the state of Pennsylvania from resource development. The Biden administration also blocked a 211-mile gravel road, the Ambler Access Road, that would have connected […]

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Alaska Sues Biden Over War On American Energy

Two lawsuits have been recently filed against the Biden administration over lost leases on Alaska’s North Slope. A coalition of North Slope local and regional governments, tribal governments and Native corporations has sued the Biden administration in the U.S. District Court in Anchorage for prohibitive environmental protections President Biden placed on the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska […]

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Even After Russian Invasion, Biden Slow Walks Lease Sales

Between August 2021 and February 2022, President Biden’s Bureau of Land Management’s approval of drilling permits was low, averaging about 200 per month. After Russia invaded Ukraine, however, the approvals picked up with 473 approved in March and 357 approved in April. Those approvals were still much less than the 600+ approved in April and […]

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Wake Up Biden: Need to Change Your Anti-American Energy Policies

A survey conducted by Morning Consult found 90 percent of U.S. voters favor domestic energy development over foreign imports. In addition, more than 80 percent of respondents said they believed domestic oil and natural gas production would boost energy security for the United States and its allies, reduce energy costs, and help preserve U.S. leadership in times of uncertainty. […]

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Biden Makes Life In Alaska (And The Rest Of The Country) Worse

Despite high gasoline prices, the Biden administration is reversing a Trump policy that opened up land in Arctic Alaska to new oil development. Biden’s Department of the Interior will scrap the Trump policy that authorized expanded leasing and development in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, or NPR-A. The Trump administration approved a plan to allow oil […]

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On American Energy Dominance, the Numbers Speak for Themselves

From the Permian Basin on July 29, President Trump proudly recounted his best energy decisions and the achievements of industry that have followed. His highlights included: Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement Cancellation of the Clean Power Plan Approval of Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines Opening up of ANWR Ending the moratorium on coal leasing […]

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Congressman Bishop: Obama’s ANWR Plan Shows Lack of Leadership

In a recent op-ed for the Washington Times, Congressman Rob Bishop slams the Obama administration for moving to block energy development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). As Rep. Bishop puts it: Last week, the Obama administration issued two edicts that could leave much of our strategic energy resources untapped for decades. Mr. Obama […]

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Blocking Off ANWR in One Map

The following map, from the Institute for Energy Research, shows how much land would be off-limits if Obama’s proposed ANWR wilderness plan (12.28 million acres) were added to existing ANWR wilderness areas (7.16 million acres). That would cover a strip of land extending the length of D.C. to Boston that is 77 miles wide: President Obama’s […]

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Do the Feds Know How Big ANWR Is?

The Interior Department announced a proposal this week to designate 12.28 million acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) as wilderness. In a White House video, President Obama claimed a wilderness designation would “make sure that this amazing wonder is preserved for future generations.” But it seems the federal government doesn’t even know the […]

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