Say No To The Bloated “Infrastructure” Deal

After many months of discussion, we now have the text of a bipartisan infrastructure bill which some senators hope to rush through the Senate in just a week. The Democratic Party’s go-it-alone additional spending bill (beyond the regular budget), which they want to pass through reconciliation, is still undrafted, but Speaker Pelosi continues to promise […]

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Key Vote NO on H.R. 1187

The American Energy Alliance urges all members to oppose H.R. 1187 The Corporate Governance Improvement and Investor Protection Act. Despite its title, this legislation is not about improving corporate governance or protecting investors, its purpose is to inject partisan political priorities into the regulation of financial disclosures. The purpose of SEC-mandated financial disclosures is to […]

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AEA Opposes Hidden Energy Taxes Within Yet-To-Be-Seen Infrastructure Bill, Issues Vote Alert

With no legislative text or details, Democrats and 5 misguided Republicans lay a path for a vote on carbon tariffs. WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 19, 2021) – Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, voiced opposition to efforts by the White House, Democratic leaders, and a handful of Republican […]

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Don’t Collude In Raising Energy Prices

After many months of discussion, votes are expected in the next few weeks on some sort of infrastructure package as well as the first votes on the Democratic Party’s go-it-alone additional spending bill (beyond the regular budget), which they want to pass through reconciliation.  While the administration’s preposterous attempt to define every progressive spending priority […]

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Organizations Warn Congress: Watch Your Back, Sue-and-Settle Is in the Air

Behind Biden’s Earth Day announcements and Climate Summit are plans to circumvent legislative jurisdiction and sneak in transformational change.  WASHINGTON DC (April 19, 2021) – Today, nineteen organizations issued letters to Members of Congress warning of an apparent Biden administration end-run around the legislature to impose the Green New Deal through a regulatory back door, […]

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Top 10 Questions for Mallory & McCabe

Promoting former Obama officials with a history of failed policies will not unite America. WASHINGTON DC (March 3, 2021) – Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) issued ten suggested questions for today’s Senate Environment & Public Works Committee confirmation hearing for Brenda Mallory to serve as Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality […]

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