Democrats Double Down On Costly SPR Policies

Biden’s Department of Energy will not be refilling the nation’s emergency reserves, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, any time soon as the agency has rejected bids received for the February fill since the bids are above $70 a barrel. Today’s price for Texas Intermediate oil is $75.87 a barrel. Biden depleted the emergency oil reserve of 260 […]

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The Unregulated Podcast #109: Honest Liars

On this episode of The Unregulated Podcast Tom Pyle and Mike McKenna discuss the next moves for the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, Biden’s inflation problems, and more headlines from a busy week. Links: Gov. Ron DeSantis asked about a “GOP Civil War” Qatar Beer Ban Deese out at the White House American […]

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125 Ways the Biden Administration and Congress Have Made it Harder to Produce Oil & Gas

WASHINGTON DC (11/02/2022) – Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase. Since President Biden took office, his administration and Congressional Democrats have taken over 125 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America. A PDF of […]

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Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) Receives Failing Grade From American Energy Alliance

WASHINGTON DC (11/1/22) – The American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, released its annual Congressional Scorecard last week.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their senators vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.  This […]

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American Energy Alliance 2022 Senate Scorecard

This week the American Energy Alliance released its American Energy Scorecard for the United States Senate.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their senators vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.  This year’s Senate scorecard compiles 28 votes and 1 co-sponsorship […]

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