In the Pipeline: 11/2/12

We missed this earlier in the week.  But the hypocrisy is so excruciatingly brilliant that we had to share it.  For those who have not been watching, these two Senators are leading the charge to extend the wind production tax credit. Washington Times(10/31/12) reports: “Each job created with federal stimulus cash through the Obama administration’s advanced […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/26/12

Whether you’re a high school student, a union guy working at the refinery, or a United States Senator, the bus is a symbol of opportunity and a better energy future for us all.    Senator Jim DeMint signs the American Products and Power bus.    Why am I not surprised that EPA does not have […]

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The New "Benefits" of Environmental Regulation

The American Energy Alliance released today a new study authored by  Scott Beaulier and  Daniel Sutter that closely examines the purported “benefits” of environmental regulations. The following summary outlines the details of the study’s findings:  The number of new regulations and estimates of the value of regulation have grown in recent years. Proponents of regulation […]

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American Energy Alliance Releases 'Phantom Fuels' Video

  WASHINGTON D.C. — The American Energy Alliance released a video today exposing the failure of renewable energy mandates that raise the cost of producing and consuming transportation fuels in the United States. The “Phantom Fuels”video tells the story of cellulosic biofuel, a plant-based fuel source that is not commercially available despite federal law requiring […]

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