Organizations Warn Congress: Watch Your Back, Sue-and-Settle Is in the Air

Behind Biden’s Earth Day announcements and Climate Summit are plans to circumvent legislative jurisdiction and sneak in transformational change.  WASHINGTON DC (April 19, 2021) – Today, nineteen organizations issued letters to Members of Congress warning of an apparent Biden administration end-run around the legislature to impose the Green New Deal through a regulatory back door, […]

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Another Promise Kept: President Trump Still Cleaning up the Regulatory Mess Inherited from the Obama-Biden Administration

EPA’s Improvement of New Source Performance Standards for America’s natural gas and oil industry added to the growing list of presidential accomplishments. WASHINGTON DC (August 13, 2020) – Today, Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance, issued the following statement in support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) two finalized rules updating air regulations for […]

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EPA’s Proposed Air Rules Removing Expensive, Regulatory Duplication A ‘Smart Move’

WASHINGTON DC (August 29, 2019) – Today, Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance, issued the following statement in support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed update to air regulations for the domestic oil and gas industry: “This proposal is a smart move and directly in line with President Trump’s approach to America’s […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/14/13

After all, we’re just on a big hamster wheel at the Obama administration’s service. Daily Caller (6/13/13) report: “The White House raised its estimates of the social cost of carbon dioxide emissions from $21 per metric ton to $35 per metric ton, but critics say that there is ‘little ‘science’ behind the whopping numbers.’… ‘The ‘social cost […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/31/13

For some of us, this hits close to home. So I have a few suggestions: Quit bragging about the non-stop flights that are offered from Newark to Jackson. Shut down the tram (it runs on coal). Stop selling skis, boots, jackets and goggles because they are made with carbon-based petrochemicals. And those of us who […]

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“American Products. American Power.” Bus Tour Brings Message to Washington

WASHINGTON D.C. — The American Energy Alliance will conclude its three-month “American Products. American Power.” bus tour today by delivering 14,444 petitions to lawmakers and regulators in Washington. The 18,000 mile, 17 state bus tour connected with thousands of Americans at over 50 events. The message of these concerned citizens is clear: this country needs policies that treat […]

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All They Want for Christmas is Coal

  On October 13th, the American Products. American Power. bus tour joined forces with United for Coal, a grassroots organization that sprung up in response to the Obama administration’s war on coal.  Allen Gibson, the founder of United for Coal, is a retired coal miner fighting for the very survival of small towns throughout Appalachia. The […]

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Coal: The Heartbeat of America

As the American Products and Power bus tour powered through the end of September, the American Energy Alliance traveled to the heart of coal country in Boone Country, West Virginia. The AEA team was fortunate to meet the men and women who work tirelessly and with great pride to power America with affordable, reliable energy. […]

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