Governor Youngkin Protects Virginia Car Buyer’s Right to Choose

WASHINGTON DC (06/05/2024) – Today, Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia announced that Virginia has opted against adopting the emissions mandate set by California, choosing instead to transition back to the Federal rules by year-end. Backed by the Attorney General, this action will ensure, at least for now, that access to personal transportation remains affordable and […]

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Virginia Reaffirms Commitment to Leave RGGI

Governor Youngkin rejects unnecessary regressive energy tax. WASHINGTON DC (08/31/2022) – This morning, the Youngkin Administration in Virginia reaffirmed its commitment to exiting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Acting Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources, Travis Voyles, appeared in front of a meeting of the State Air Pollution Control Board to reiterate the Governor’s […]

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