AEA to GOP Lawmakers:  No Back Door Energy Taxes

WASHINGTON DC (06/18/2024)– The American Energy Alliance, the nation’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free market energy organization, launched a digital advocacy initiative calling on elected officials to reject legislative efforts that will lead to the imposition of new taxes and tariffs on carbon dioxide, which is a tax on our energy. The six-figure campaign will […]

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As European Electricity Prices Spiral Energy Taxes Hike

In late February 2023, the price of carbon permits on the European Union’s carbon market hit 100 euros ($106.57) per metric ton – the amount of increased costs that factories and power plants must pay when they emit carbon dioxide. The benchmark EU Allowance (EUA) contract had hit a high of 101.25 euros per metric ton. EUAs […]

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Virginia Reaffirms Commitment to Leave RGGI

Governor Youngkin rejects unnecessary regressive energy tax. WASHINGTON DC (08/31/2022) – This morning, the Youngkin Administration in Virginia reaffirmed its commitment to exiting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Acting Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources, Travis Voyles, appeared in front of a meeting of the State Air Pollution Control Board to reiterate the Governor’s […]

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President Biden’s Gas Tax Holiday: Another Empty Gesture

Americans need real regulatory reform, not empty gestures. WASHINGTON DC (06/22/2022) – Earlier today, President Joe Biden called for temporarily suspending the federal gasoline tax, asking lawmakers to pass a three-month pause on the federal 18-percent-per-gallon tax. This continues his administration’s routine of offering empty gestures to Americans who are struggling with record-high energy prices. […]

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AEA Launches Digital Advocacy Campaign Against A New National Energy Tax

A bipartisan group of senators is promoting a new national tax on energy while Americans are struggling with record-high energy prices. WASHINGTON DC (06/06/2022) – This week, American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, launched a five-figure digital advocacy initiative pushing back against efforts by a small group of […]

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Senators Seek Higher Energy Prices

Is now the right time to increase energy prices with a new tax on energy? Despite the fact that inflation is the highest it’s been in forty years and the U.S. economy contracted in the first quarter of 2022, Republican Senators Kevin Cramer, Lindsey Graham, and Bill Cassidy apparently think so.  They’re plotting with Democrat […]

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A Windfall of Bad Ideas

With sky-high inflation reminding people of the economic malaise of the Carter years, it appears that some Members of Congress are actually looking back fondly on those times and are actively trying to relive those days. The latest bad idea that Congress is trying to revive is a new tax on oil profits modeled after the […]

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AEA Opposes Hidden Energy Taxes Within Yet-To-Be-Seen Infrastructure Bill, Issues Vote Alert

With no legislative text or details, Democrats and 5 misguided Republicans lay a path for a vote on carbon tariffs. WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 19, 2021) – Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, voiced opposition to efforts by the White House, Democratic leaders, and a handful of Republican […]

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