Our Money
- 09/07/11
- News
Our Money
AEA Releases Radio Ads Highlighting NAT GAS Act as Another Wasteful Washington Program
WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance released a radio advertisement campaign entitled, “Our Money ”. The ads will run in markets in Idaho, Wyoming, Maine, Alabama, and Mississippi. They specifically reference the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1301) as an example of another in a long line of unwise, unwarranted, and unaffordable federal policies. AEA President Thomas Pyle noted that:...Continue Reading...
Our Money
- 08/07/11
- Press Releases
American Energy Alliance released a new ad on the "Natural Gas Act" and you can listen to it by clicking Our Money . To view the PDF that supports AEA's claims, please view our fact sheet by clicking AEA NAT GAS Radio Ad.
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WH to Lead By Example, Replacing “The Beast” with a Smart Car
- 07/29/11
- News
Actually, that isn’t True, but it would be Nice if Politicians Practiced what they Preached for Once
WASHINGTON- The White House announced yesterday that the Obama Administration has collaborated with GM, Chrysler, Ford, Honda, and Hyundai to increase Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for new cars to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. While studies have shown that this standard will have no impact on global emissions , it will increase the profits of the endorsing companies by...
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STUDY: Repealing Tax Deductions on U.S. Energy Companies Exacerbates Federal Deficit, Increases U.S. Debt
- 07/12/11
- News
LSU Economist Finds Administration’s Dual Capacity and Section 199 Proposals Would Reduce Federal Tax Revenue by More Than $53 Billion
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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Louisiana State University Endowed Chair of Banking and nationally-renowned economist Dr. Joseph R. Mason today released a just-completed study that finds the Administration’s proposal to carve out U.S. energy firms from receiving certain tax deductions would have a net...
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