WSJ Outlines Biden Admin’s Backdoor Climate Agenda

The Wall Street Journal published an editorial March 18 discussing the Biden administration’s “backdoor” plan to advance climate regulations. As the editorial outlines, it appears that the Biden EPA plans to use the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to move forward with climate regulations in order to avoid the political costs of voting on […]

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Biden’s “Carbon-Free” Dreams Are Detached From Reality

Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden’s “Clean Energy Standard” is a push to get what Biden and his running mate Senator Kamala Harris think are non-carbon sources onto the nation’s electricity system. While Biden’s plan considers existing nuclear and hydroelectric power as OK, the push is to remove the 63 percent of generation that comes […]

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In the Pipeline: 8/9/13

Congress should take this as a teachable moment and mandate that the plant generate all its electricity from wind or solar and that Congress will rely on no other powerplants.  I suspect the Republic would be a lot safer if staffers and Members had to get by on a few hours of electricity a day. […]

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In the Pipeline: 8/5/13

Actions speak louder than words.  The Washington Times (8/4/13) reports: “If the Obama administration is indeed waging a “war on coal,” as its critics contend, then newly minted Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz aims to build a bridge between the opposing camps. Since joining the administration about 10 weeks ago, Mr. Moniz — a Massachusetts Institute of […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/17/13

Hickenlooper may reconsider his “green” policies after all. Greentech Media (7/2/13) reports: “It’s no secret that it takes a lot of energy to grow blueberry kush, purple sour diesel, voodoo or any of the dozens of other potent strains of marijuana available in North America. In the U.S. alone, indoor cannabis growing uses about $5 billion in […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/5/13

You read that right. China burns five times more coal than the United States. Now that we’ve learned about the scope of our government surveillance of us, what, exactly, is our selling point over the Chinese? The Daily Caller (7/2/13) reports: “The climate change policy that President Barack Obama proposed last week panders to environmentalists’ visions of […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/1/13

We offer this without comment. The Telegraph (6/27/13) reports: “There has not been a sighting of the species in Britain since 1991 when a single bird was seen four times – in Kent, Staffordshire, Derbyshire and finally Shetland. Now 22 years later another White-throated Needletail turned up in the UK, but after more than 80 twitchers flocked […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/25/13

His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Politico (6/24/13) reports: “Barack Obama’s Tuesday speech on climate change puts Democrats on defense in coal country. Republicans see the president’s forthcoming announcement of new regulations to cut carbon emissions as […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/3/13

This is fun. It’s like an 8th grade math question: “If Bob Inglis is running for elected office, is it wise for him to support a carbon tax?”. R Street (5/31/13) reports: “The R Street Institute and the Heartland Institute cordially invite you to a debate among friends on the question: Are there any circumstances under which conservatives […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/15/13

A senior adviser to McCain 2008 wrote this piece, arguing (I kid you not) that a carbon tax is a good thing because it is “relatively hidden.” Since when did hiding taxes from the American people become fashionable for conservatives? RealClearEnergy (5/14/13) reports: “Enter the carbon tax. Besides its intended purpose of reducing carbon emissions, it is […]

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