In the Pipeline: 8/16/13

You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em… The Boston Globe (8/9/13) reports: “A group of environmentalists has dropped its campaign to place a so-called carbon tax on the next statewide ballot, citing the complexity of the issue, weak fund-raising, and potential constitutional challenges to the question. The group, the Committee […]

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In the Pipeline: 8/6/13

Do you think the protesters drove there? Reuters (8/4/13) reports: “Police arrested more than 200 demonstrators for trespassing at Chevron Corp in the California city of Richmond on Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of a massive refinery fire and to protest a proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The arrests came as a throng of sunflower-carrying picketers […]

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In the Pipeline: 8/5/13

Actions speak louder than words.  The Washington Times (8/4/13) reports: “If the Obama administration is indeed waging a “war on coal,” as its critics contend, then newly minted Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz aims to build a bridge between the opposing camps. Since joining the administration about 10 weeks ago, Mr. Moniz — a Massachusetts Institute of […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/14/13

After all, we’re just on a big hamster wheel at the Obama administration’s service. Daily Caller (6/13/13) report: “The White House raised its estimates of the social cost of carbon dioxide emissions from $21 per metric ton to $35 per metric ton, but critics say that there is ‘little ‘science’ behind the whopping numbers.’… ‘The ‘social cost […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/3/13

This is fun. It’s like an 8th grade math question: “If Bob Inglis is running for elected office, is it wise for him to support a carbon tax?”. R Street (5/31/13) reports: “The R Street Institute and the Heartland Institute cordially invite you to a debate among friends on the question: Are there any circumstances under which conservatives […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/20/13

We’re not surprised, but that doesn’t make this any less unsettling. Washington Examiner (5/17/13) reports: “Two powerful congressional Republicans want to know more – a lot more – about why and how Environmental Protection Agency officials have for several years erected multiple obstacles to conservative think tanks, media outlets and non-profit activists filing Freedom of Information Act […]

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In the Pipeline: 4/30/13

Van Jones, previously Deputy Assistant to the President for Destroying Coal Miners’ Jobs, deflects responsibility by pretending to care about the very people whose lives he and his former boss have worked so diligently to destroy. Twitchy (4/29/13) reports: “Jones is in St. Louis today to show his solidarity with the United Mine Workers of America and […]

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In the Pipeline: 4/25/13

No need to panic! The Obama Administration plays the market long. We’ll recoup these “investments” during His Majesty’s fourth term. Yahoo (4/24/13) reports: “The Obama administration was warned as early as 2010 that electric car maker Fisker Automotive Inc. was not meeting milestones set up for a half-billion dollar government loan, nearly a year before U.S. officials […]

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In the Pipeline: 4/12/13

Thank goodness we have the money to spend on this sort of thing. I mean, it doesn’t seem ridiculous or pointless at all. The Hill(4/11/13) reports: “President Obama’s fiscal 2014 budget calls for using a satellite designed to track climate change that was originally pushed by former Vice President Gore… Obama proposed Wednesday spending nearly $35 […]

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In the Pipeline: 4/10/13

Now that would be a mandate we could all get behind. Denver Post (4/8/13) reports: “The officials from rural cooperatives and rural counties called the bill ‘a war on rural Colorado.’…’I own a bar. I’d like you to pass a law that everyone has to drink 25 percent more. Everyone is feathering their own nest,’ Moffat County […]

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