In the Pipeline: 11/26/12

We agree with Senator Vitter.  We do rock. Larry Kudlow Show, begins at 1:21:00 (11/17/12):  “I’d love to direct your listeners to a really good website . . . it’s by the Institute for Energy Research, which is a pro-domestic energy think tank, and they have a long list of action item possibilities from the Obama administration […]

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In the Pipeline: 11/7/12

We wonder if President Obama has any sense of how difficult (or impossible) it is to simultaneously destroy affordable energy and grow an economy.  Fox Business (11/7/12) reports: “Energy companies likely will see more regulation in President Barack Obama’s second term, with less access to federal lands and water even as the administration promotes energy independence.”   […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/29/12

What’s holding electric cars back is that they are inferior, expensive products.  How many superior, affordable products need government support? National Journal (10/25/12) reports: “Consider auto sales. Instead of looking at the sales of electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as a percentage of the total auto sales, the focus should be on the incredible growth in […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/15/12

Promise made. Promise kept. Watch our latest ad:   Here is the deal.  It turns out you can’t get rid of an affordable, reliable energy source (like nuclear), and rely on an expensive, unreliable source (like solar and wind), without increase the cost to ratepayers (like me and you). Renewable Energy World (10/12/12) reports: “German Chancellor Angela […]

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Four Years Later: Is Energy Better Off?

WASHINGTON D.C. — The American Energy Alliance released today a comparison chart answering the basic question in many American’s minds: Are we better off today than we were four years ago?  With an exclusive focus on energy markets, regulations, and the economic impact of energy policies, the American Energy Alliance answered this question by looking […]

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