Rep. Lizzie Fletcher is Out of Step With Her District

Last month the American Energy Alliance released its 2020 American Energy Scorecard results for the House of Representatives.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.   The scorecard is guided by principles such as:  […]

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The Insane Cost Of Biden’s Fracking Ban

Hydraulic fracturing has made the United States the top oil and natural gas producer in the world and it has made the nation energy independent for the first time in 62 years. Yet, during stages in the campaign, potential Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris advocated a ban on fracking […]

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On American Energy Dominance, the Numbers Speak for Themselves

From the Permian Basin on July 29, President Trump proudly recounted his best energy decisions and the achievements of industry that have followed. His highlights included: Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement Cancellation of the Clean Power Plan Approval of Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines Opening up of ANWR Ending the moratorium on coal leasing […]

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Fracking’s Overlooked Local Benefits

The economy-wide, macro-scale benefits of hydraulic fracturing have been well-documented and are indeed palpable in our everyday experiences in the form of noticeably more affordable energy. With the influx of shale oil on the market, for example, we’re seeing lower gasoline prices this summer than we have in over a decade. The national average is […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/4/13

Let’s talk about energy subsidies (on Friday). Join us with the National Review for lunch and a “High Noon Debate” to talk about the energy subsidy experiment.  Greenpeace has given you permission to not feel guilty about climate change. You see, oil companies are using your honorable sense of personal responsibility as a weapon against your consciousness. (Heads up: this […]

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