Biden Takes Another Step to Limit Consumer Choice, Ban Gas Powered Vehicles

WASHINGTON DC (06/07/2024) – Today, the Biden administration has concluded the revision of fuel economy mandates for trucks and SUVs, extending them until 2031. Carmakers must reach an average of 50.4 miles per gallon across their fleet by the 2031 model year. These mandates severely limit consumer choice, stifle innovation, and increase costs for American […]

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List Of Auto Dealers Pushing Back On Biden’s EV Agenda Nears 5,000

Almost 5,000 auto dealers nationwide wrote to President Biden, urging him to slow down his aggressive push to force automakers to produce and sell electric vehicles. His administration has proposed fuel economy and tailpipe emissions standards that would require two-thirds of the cars sold in 2032 to be electric, increasing consumer costs and unfairly burdening U.S. businesses. Earlier this year, the Environmental […]

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House Votes to Save Our Cars

WASHINGTON DC 12/6/23 – Today, the House passed H.R. 4468, the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act, by a vote of 221-197. This bill, introduced by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), prevents the EPA from finalizing its proposed rule on federal vehicle emissions standards, which would require 70 percent of cars and trucks to be electric in less than 10 years. AEA President […]

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Biden Seeking To Regulate Your Family Out Of Car-Ownership

Last week, the Biden administration issued a proposal by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to increase the average fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States. Under the proposal, automakers would be required to increase the average mileage of the passenger vehicles they sell by 2 percent a year for passenger cars, and 4 […]

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Biden’s Ongoing War Against Reliable, Affordable Transportation

Not only is President Biden changing regulations to force Americans to buy electric vehicles by establishing new, rigorous standards for tailpipe emissions for model years 2027 through 2032 that gasoline-powered vehicles cannot meet, he is also forcing an 80,000 mile, eight-year warranty for electric vehicles on automakers. The auto standards, expected to be the toughest in U.S. history, are […]

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Biden Pricing Working Families Out Of Car Ownership

The New York Times notes that EPA is releasing rules that are intended to ensure that electric cars represent between 54 and 60 percent of all new cars sold in the United States by 2030 and 64 to 67 percent by 2032—in 9 years. That would exceed President Biden’s earlier goal announced in 2021 to have all-electric cars account for half of […]

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Biden to Motorists: My Way or the Highway

WASHINGTON DC (04/12/2023) – Earlier today, the Environmental Protection Agency released a set of proposed rules that would effectively regulate cars with internal combustible engines out of business. The rule is an attempt to accelerate the number of electric vehicle sales to 67 percent by 2032. Today, less than six percent of cars are electric, […]

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AEA Applauds Reform of Costly, Unsafe Federal Fuel Mandates

WASHINGTON — The American Energy Alliance (AEA) commends the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency for righting a wrong of the previous Administration by proposing to keep the 2020 federal fuel mandate levels in place as part of the federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) program and for suggesting to eliminate California’s unprecedented and legally […]

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