Whoever Is Calling The Shots At The White House Takes Another Swing At Alaska

The Biden-Harris administration is considering further restricting oil development in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve (NPR-A), the nation’s largest swath of public land. The Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will be soliciting public comment on whether to expand or designate new “special areas” in the 23-million-acre reserve. The move could extend the areas of the NPR-A that are […]

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Alaska Sues Biden Over War On American Energy

Two lawsuits have been recently filed against the Biden administration over lost leases on Alaska’s North Slope. A coalition of North Slope local and regional governments, tribal governments and Native corporations has sued the Biden administration in the U.S. District Court in Anchorage for prohibitive environmental protections President Biden placed on the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska […]

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Activists Attack Alaskan Pipeline

A coalition of environmental groups has filed a legal petition with the federal government to evaluate how the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) contributes to climate change and to begin phasing the 800-mile line out of existence. The government first authorized the pipeline right-of-way across federal land in the 1970s and the pipeline has been operating successfully since then. Environmentalists […]

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Wake Up Biden: Need to Change Your Anti-American Energy Policies

A survey conducted by Morning Consult found 90 percent of U.S. voters favor domestic energy development over foreign imports. In addition, more than 80 percent of respondents said they believed domestic oil and natural gas production would boost energy security for the United States and its allies, reduce energy costs, and help preserve U.S. leadership in times of uncertainty. […]

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Biden Makes Life In Alaska (And The Rest Of The Country) Worse

Despite high gasoline prices, the Biden administration is reversing a Trump policy that opened up land in Arctic Alaska to new oil development. Biden’s Department of the Interior will scrap the Trump policy that authorized expanded leasing and development in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, or NPR-A. The Trump administration approved a plan to allow oil […]

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Biden Promises No New Pipelines

“Every federal infrastructure investment should reduce climate pollution, and require any federal permitting decision to consider the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.” — BIDEN/HARRIS CLIMATE PLAN The statements above are an indication that Biden would make it difficult for developers to obtain federal permits to build fossil fuel infrastructure such as pipelines, […]

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AEA President Cheers Trump Administration’s Approval of $40 Billion Alaska LNG Project

“This is what American Energy Dominance Looks Like.” WASHINGTON DC (August 21, 2020) –  American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle today commended the Department of Energy and President Trump for the approval of the long-sought Alaska LNG project, which would make Alaska a player in world energy markets, create tens of thousands of good paying […]

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In the Pipeline: 1/7/13

The chance to get rich off global warming is slipping away.  Which could explain why Vice President Gore joined up with the royal house of Qatar, so they can hate American domestic energy production together.  Did we mention that Al Jazeera also is backing that lousy propaganda from Matt Damon? WSJ (1/4/13) reports: “The Kyoto Protocol on […]

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