Biden-Harris LNG Pause Wrecking Havoc On American Energy Infrastructure

It’s been nearly a year since the Biden-Harris administration officially paused approvals for new LNG export projects. Analysts at Poten & Partners indicate that this ongoing uncertainty is leading to increased costs and project delays. Lengthened timelines, rising engineering, procurement, and construction expenses, along with methane emissions fees, are impacting projects awaiting approval or final investment decisions. […]

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Biden Spends $7.5 Billion for 7 EV Charging Stations

Biden’s $7.5 billion EV charging stations program, which promised half a million installations, still has over 499,990 to go after three years. President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in November 2021, allocating $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging, of which $5 billion is dedicated to building a network of chargers along major highways, called the National Electric […]

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Activists Attack Alaskan Pipeline

A coalition of environmental groups has filed a legal petition with the federal government to evaluate how the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) contributes to climate change and to begin phasing the 800-mile line out of existence. The government first authorized the pipeline right-of-way across federal land in the 1970s and the pipeline has been operating successfully since then. Environmentalists […]

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To Keep Roads Safe America’s Guardrails Will Need Replaced Under Biden’s EV Mandate

Electric vehicles typically weigh significantly more than gasoline-powered cars and can easily crash through steel highway guardrails that are not designed to withstand the extra force, raising concerns about roadside safety, according to a crash test by the University of Nebraska. Electric vehicles typically weigh 20 percent to 50 percent more than gas-powered vehicles due to their […]

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Biden’s Disastrous Anti-LNG Policy Dictated By TikTok Influencers

The Department of Energy is examining whether regulators should take climate change into account when deciding whether a proposed gas export project meets the U.S. national interest. The Energy Department is weighing whether to issue a permit for a gas export plant in Louisiana known as Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2), one of 17 proposed LNG export terminals. The […]

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Biden Slow Walking Critical LNG Infrastructure

Biden’s Department of Energy (DOE) has increased the time it takes to review a permit for exporting LNG from 7 weeks to a minimum of 11 months. The slowing of permit approval could mean that nearly-completed LNG projects are not able to supply European buyers in need of gas because they do not have  the permit. […]

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Biden’s EV Dreams A Nightmare For Working Families

Expensive electricity rates are making home battery charging a headache and outside of the home, inconsistent and sometimes high pricing policies, frequently broken equipment, and a lack of battery chargers in key locations for all but Tesla drivers is frustrating electric vehicle owners. Inflation and intermittent renewable energy (wind and solar power) are escalating electricity rates, making […]

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EV Queues Ahead

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “The Energy Industry Prepares for Upheaval at the Gas Station,” points toward a big problem ahead regarding electric vehicle (EV) recharging.  “Electric vehicles are a small but growing share of cars on the road,” Carol Ryan begins her article. “Energy companies already need to prepare for how […]

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Anti-Pipeline Activism Creates Expensive Consequences For American Families

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that interstate natural gas pipeline capacity additions reached a record low in 2022 based on data collected since 1995. In 2022, 897 million cubic feet per day of interstate natural gas pipeline capacity was added from five projects, according to EIA’s latest State-to-State Capacity Tracker, which contains information on the capacity of […]

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Biden Wants To Copy California’s Train Disaster Across The Country

Florida made the right decision on the high-speed rail project proposed during the Obama administration. Floridians can thank then-Governor Rick Scott for nixing the project. California, however, is in the opposite situation. The bullet train project that was supposed to connect Los Angeles and San Francisco is a $1 trillion fiasco, if it should ever get completed. The […]

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