- 06/08/10
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FacingSpecter of 40,000 Residents Out of Work Because of His Decision, Obama Moves toRe-Open Shallow Offshore - Too Bad 70% of the Oil Comes from Deepwater. Wall Street Journal (6/8) reports, "TheObama administration, facing rising anger on the Gulf Coast over the loss ofjobs and income from a drilling moratorium, said Monday that it would move torelease new safety requirements that would allow the reopening of offshoreexploration in shallow waters. Gulf Coast residents, political leaders...
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- 06/07/10
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- 06/02/10
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Kubrick Would’ve BeenPerfect for This: EPA’s Lisa Jackson Asks Avatar Director James Cameronto Advise Her on How to Stop Leak in the Gulf – No Joke. Associated Press (6/2) reports, “Top kill" didn't stop the Gulf oil spill. How aboutsomething "titanic"? Federal officials are hoping film director JamesCameron can help them come up with ideas on how to stop the disastrousoil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The "Avatar" and "Titanic" directorwas among a group of scientists and other experts who met...
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- 06/01/10
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Envy with Green:Graham May Have Made the Right Political Choice in Backing Out of KGL,But Lindsey Makes It Clear His Heart Is Still Invested in CriminalizingCarbon. Greenwire (5/28, subs. req’d) reports, “A key Senate Republican voice on climatelegislation is floating yet another alternative way to price carbonemissions by focusing just on power plants. Sen. Lindsey Graham(R-S.C.) said yesterday that the electric utility industry is most inneed of a market signal for pricing greenhouse gases,...
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Fmr. U.S. Rep. John Peterson to Join American Energy Alliance’s Board of Directors
- 05/26/10
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- 05/18/10
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Kerry-LiebermanLikened to Mr. Potato Head – Cosmetic Features Can Be Rearranged, Butthe Concept Remains Wholly Intact (“Risk” and “Operation” Come to MindToo). Wall Street Journal (5/18) editorializes, “Despite the most creative rhetoric this side ofObamaCare, voters have figured out that "cap and trade" involvesartificial carbon rationing and vast new energy taxes. So the main goalof John Kerry and Joe Lieberman has been attempting to disguise thesetruths in the climate bill they released to...
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FOIA Request Submitted to EPA on Senate Climate Bill
- 04/28/10
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AEA Statement on Senate Climate Change “Postponement”
- 04/26/10
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What Offshore Drilling Looks Like
- 03/31/10
- Can't Make This Up
Different Rules for Different Energy?
- 03/03/10
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Thirteen Senators Seek to Shut Down U.S. Coal Industry
Washington, DC – According to reports , thirteen U.S. senators today urged Majority Leader Reid and the leading authors of global warming legislation, Senators Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman, to specifically grant the EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants, in addition to other provisions included the bill, such as cap-and-trade and a renewable electricity mandate, which would also target...Continue Reading...