Say No To The Bloated “Infrastructure” Deal

After many months of discussion, we now have the text of a bipartisan infrastructure bill which some senators hope to rush through the Senate in just a week. The Democratic Party’s go-it-alone additional spending bill (beyond the regular budget), which they want to pass through reconciliation, is still undrafted, but Speaker Pelosi continues to promise […]

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CLEAN Future Act Puts Ratepayers On The Hook For EV Infrastructure

In early March, the House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee Chairman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Energy Subcommittee Chairman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) introduced the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act. The bill aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by […]

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AEA to GM: Best of Luck

Since taxpayers should not be responsible for the automaker’s corporate goals, AEA invites GM’s support in eliminating government subsidies and mandates for EVs. WASHINGTON DC (January 29, 2021) – The American Energy Alliance (AEA) is the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization. Thomas Pyle, AEA’s president, released the following statement in response to yesterday’s announcement by GM, the […]

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Biden’s Transit Plan Is All Malarkey

According to Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden’s Clean Energy Plan: “Biden will also transform the energy sources that power the transportation sector, making it easier for mobility to be powered by electricity and clean fuels, including commuter trains, school and transit buses, ferries, and passenger vehicles.” Many U.S. cities and states have experimented with […]

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AEA To Newsom: Consumers Should Be in the Driver’s Seat, Not Bureaucrats

Executive order banning gasoline-powered vehicles not only a bad idea, but insulting to consumers WASHINGTON DC (September 23, 2020) –Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance (AEA), issued the following statement in response to the executive order signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom that directs the California Air Resources Board to ban new gasoline-fueled vehicles […]

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Expensive Electric Vehicle Makers are Ridin’ With Biden

Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden’s $2 trillion energy plan includes Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Clean Cars for America proposal. To enable the proposal, Biden will provide consumers rebates to swap old, less-efficient vehicles for newer American vehicles along with targeted incentives for manufacturers to build or retool factories to assemble zero-emission vehicles, parts, […]

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