Biden-Harris LNG Pause Wrecking Havoc On American Energy Infrastructure

It’s been nearly a year since the Biden-Harris administration officially paused approvals for new LNG export projects. Analysts at Poten & Partners indicate that this ongoing uncertainty is leading to increased costs and project delays. Lengthened timelines, rising engineering, procurement, and construction expenses, along with methane emissions fees, are impacting projects awaiting approval or final investment decisions. […]

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 7176

The American Energy Alliance support H.R. 7176, Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act, which would remove restrictions on approvals of exports of liquified natural gas. The restrictions targeted for repeal by H.R 7176 are antiquated procedures left over from the days of energy scarcity. Fears that the United States was running out of natural gas prompted […]

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Team Biden Sides with Green Donors and TikTok Influencers Over the American People

The President of the United States is breaking his word with our allies and weakening NATO WASHINGTON, DC (1/26/24) – Today, the Biden administration suspended decisions on export permits for liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities while the Department of Energy “reassesses” whether it is properly accounting for the climate impacts from proposed projects. This election […]

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Biden Slow Walking Critical LNG Infrastructure

Biden’s Department of Energy (DOE) has increased the time it takes to review a permit for exporting LNG from 7 weeks to a minimum of 11 months. The slowing of permit approval could mean that nearly-completed LNG projects are not able to supply European buyers in need of gas because they do not have  the permit. […]

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EIA: Petroleum and Natural Gas Will be the Most-Used Fuels in the United States Through 2050

EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2022 reference case (which assumes current laws and regulations) projects that U.S. energy consumption will grow through 2050. According to the reference case, petroleum will retain the largest share of energy consumption throughout that period, followed by natural gas. Renewable energy is projected as the fastest-growing energy source through 2050. EIA […]

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Freedom Molecules To Save Europe From Itself

The United States became the largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in December 2021, edging out Qatar and Australia, as projects ramped up production and deliveries surged to Europe to help alleviate the energy crisis there. Output from U.S. LNG facilities edged above Qatar in December due mainly to an increase in exports from […]

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